Gianfranco Valiante Website
Design and development of the site for Gianfranco Valiante's candidacy for the Senate of the Republic in the 25 September 2022 elections.
The website developed according to a 'one page site' approach thanks to a home page with a strong graphic impact with a photo of the candidate and the colours of the party represented at the front. On the right hand side there is a clear link to the video explaining to citizens how to vote. Next are the references for supporting Gianfranco Valiante's candidacy.
The navigation menu is in the top left-hand corner immediately next to the candidate's name, for easy and immediate use.
The 'programme' section has scrolling tabs with the five main points underlying the electoral candidacy clearly visible.
In the 'why vote for me' section, a few but effective lines explain the candidate's ideas.
In the 'video' section there is a wide range of videos explaining the points of the election campaign.
In the 'gallery' section there are photos of meetings and debates in the area.
The menu ends with the 'contacts' section where there is a form for contacting the candidate directly and the possibility of choosing the subject of the message sent via a drop-down menu.
The site features a fully responsive design.