Sinfonie in Tavola. The Web Site
Design and development of the website of Sinfonie in Tavola, an online project born from the encounter between traditional Italian cuisine and music and which offers video recipes, culinary training courses, history of typical local products, events and collaborations with professional chefs, production companies and entertainment operators.
The site consists of 6 main sections:
About: it is the section that describes how the project was born and its objectives.
Web Tv: in this section we will find video recipes, interviews and much more.
Headings: this section hosts articles and news and helps to keep the website constantly updated and current.
Recipes: in this part of the site you can consult cooking recipes that wink at the musical world.
Events: the section reviews all the events promoted by Sinfonia in tavola, as well as local festivals and markets.
Test room: this is the reserved area of the site.
Contacts: the "Contacts" section contains all the useful information for communicating with Sinfonie in Tavola, as well as a form to send specific requests.